- Product Designer for playful and educational experiences

UI/UX Design – Foodfriend App

Posted: November 7, 2013-Likes: 0-Comments: 0-Categories: UI/UX/Product Design, Other-Tags: UI/UX, drawings. storyboards

I have been working on more UI/UX design projects, including “Foodfriend” – a meal sharing mobile app. I started with some research, talking with target user groups about their needs – it really helped me to focus the project!

Storyboards were drawn for a user interface design project for a Coursera course, where I tried two different approaches for a app to help people organize informal meals. The first storyboard is for a person eating alone, and the second is for a person hoping to organize a meal with a few friends.


I used Balsamiq to test out different layouts for the Foodfriend recipe and potluck app I was designing as part of a Coursera class. The first concept focuses on building a meal from ingredients available in one’s kitchen, and the second on finding recipes first and building from there.

The idea is to pair up friends who could have a really nice meal together with a few of the ingredients that they have at hand.

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